$34 Tab Brings Beating At Key West Waffle House
Patrons Beat A Customer Who Stepped Into A Fight Over The Tab
It’s one thing to be upset about the food or service at a restaurant, but in Key West two customers turned their anger into a fistfight, berating a cashier, beating a woman who came to her aid, over a $34 breakfast tab.
Police in Key West say the women became upset when they were handed the tab at the 24-hour eatery on Roosevelt Avenue, and told the cashier they wouldn’t pay. When a bystander tried to speak up for the cashier, police say the two women attacked the helpful customer, pummeling her with their fists.
Witnesses told police the women ran off, stiffing the cashier for the tab. Police are looking for the pair, who Waffle House workers told police are often seen in the restaurant.
There was no word over what made the diners so upset that they were willing to beat someone up over their bill.
Rossi in the Sunshine, alone.
Mark Rossi is I think, still a bit of a noob when it comes to being a politician in Key West. I am still A little surprised to find he got caught out in this particular no no. The County State Attorneys has charged him with violating the Sunshine Law by allegedly talking on the phone with the mayor. A year or so ago.
I can't help wondering, how the hell do they either find out about something that took 5 minutes, months ago, or worse take said amount of months to bring charges. Who bloody cares anyway? Rossi has not learned some of the most important lessons in Keys politics. Keep mouth firmly shut. Raise hand to vote. Put hand in pocket quickly with cash...nevermind.
The conversation was either about the Mayor wanting to buy a T shirt from In & Out Burger in Las Vegas. (???) or Top Secret Key West budget proposals. Quite the discrepancy. Personally I am going with the In&Out Burger theory.
So the situation so far. Rossi charged, McPherson NOT charged, both going to be wearing even more hideous shirts than available on Duval. Stay tuned.