Wooo its highly amusing to read this report. Really? Not enough breakers to fill drunk court. Well if the island didn't smell like shit and charge $400 an night for a poky hotel room, perhaps a few more might have come, instead of heading once again to lovely free and easy (and dirt cheap) Cancun. The same news was printed last year and the year before, although fortunately the city had an excuse for no springbreak back then. I believe she was called 'Wilma'.
Citizen Staff KEY WEST — Lacking a docket of the usual suspects — hungover college students who have distinguished themselves in ways they'd rather not remember — Key West's Spring Break Court has been canceled. It appears those who crowd the beaches and frequent Old Town bars this year are doing so in a more constrained fashion and in fewer numbers, say police and prosecutors. Spring Break Court, which adjourned early last year as well, began March 5, but County Judge Peary Fowler called it off after four days passed without a single case. The court was designed to give out-of-town spring breakers the opportunity to plead "no contest" to minor alcohol-related offenses. It allowed them the option of spending eight hours picking up litter on Key West streets and beaches instead of facing legal fees and a criminal record. |
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